Fun with March Madness

March 16, 2009 by  
Filed under Sports

How To Run A Final Four Pool
Eight people are assigned numbers one through eight.

Then eight slips of paper are put in a hat.  The slips say  “West Even”, “West Odd”,  “East Even”, “East Odd”, “Mid-West Even”, “Mid-West Odd”, “South Even”, “South Odd.”

Fold the slips of paper and draw them randomly. The person with the Even numbers has the 8 teams in their division that were seeded w/even numbers, i.e. 2,4,6,8,10, 12,14,16 and, naturally, those with Odd have the other eight teams in their respective division.

It makes following March Madness a lot more fun. You can play for who takes out the garbage for a month  or who washes the car, etc.   You can award prizes anyway you choose; for example the last four people eliminated can be winners of different prizes, the best prize going to the person with the winning team.  Or you can award prizes to the first and second finisher or all prizes to the winner.
Hurry up though.  The NCAA Tournament starts this week!

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