Huntington Beach Tower May Go Away?

April 25, 2009 by  
Filed under Local News

Huntington Beach Mayor Keith Bohr and Councilman Joe Carchio ran into a very large and angry crowd last night at a hastily put together meeting after Harbor View school parents heard a T Mobile tower was being built next to the school earlier in the day.

Apparently the anger of the crowd was anticipated because three of Huntington Beach’s finest showed up with the Mayor.

The crowd was split 50/50 between parents and nearby neighbors. It was a full house and the crowd literally “let the Mayor have it!”

Many thought the Tower might contribute to cancer.

The homeowner’s found out that anyone living within a 2½ mile radius of the tower would have to notify potential homebuyers of the tower’s existence when selling their homes. That seemed to be one of the hot buttons.

Many of those present were incensed that this project could be launched and construction even begun without the neighborhood being told anything about it. Laurie Payne, of the city’s public information office, seemed to have a better handle on the problem than any of the city representatives that were present. She said that T Mobile got a “legal over the counter permit”  and the city was not required to notify anyone.

Payne also said that the FCC sets the guidelines and “they are scientifically constructed towers” with the implication that any damage to humans from the towers would be impossible.

Everyone got in line and waited patiently to present their questions to the Mayor. Mayor Bohr repeated many times that “T Mobile had a contract and there was nothing that could be done about it.” Through most of the “town hall” session it really seemed as if the Mayor didn’t realize how angry most of those present were until the last five minutes. Councilman Carchio, however, clearly understood the feeling of the crowd and before Bohr and Carchio left they assured the crowd they would cast ballots next week against the project and encourage the other council members to do the same.

T Mobile has agreed to stop the project until after Monday’s Council Meeting which begins at five p.m. Monday (in a closed session) and it will be open to the public at 6 p.m.

Prior to publishing this post What’s Up contacted the city to see if there was a press release on the meeting and if anyone wanted to comment. We were told there was not a PR and we were referred to one of the local print papers for information.

It promises to be a lively one next Monday.

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