Huntington Beach Events

March 3, 2010 by  
Filed under Local News

CITY ADMINISTRATOR- Charter Review Commission- The Charter Review Commission will review and finalize all of their recommendations at the March 16 meeting.  Unless substantive changes are necessary, a final vote on recommended amendments to the Charter as a whole will take place at the April 6 meeting.  The final recommendations of the commission will be forwarded to the City Council for their review.

CITY TREASURER –  Tip of the Week – Feeling Sleepy?Get up and take a brisk walk around the block, or even just down the hall.  Being upright and active will speed oxygen to your brain and give your energy levels a much-needed boost.

COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT- Beach Maintenance – The beach, pier, and parking lots were closed for several hours on Saturday due to a Tsunami warning. On Sunday, waves reaching 16 feet and high tide of 6.3 flooded the beach service road in the morning causing temporary closure for several hours.  Beach Maintenance Crews were able to get sand berms up in front of the beach condos and Lifeguard Headquarters before flooding occurred.  Clean up from the recent storms continued with the beach crew removing over 3,400 cubic yards of debris from the beach over the last two weeks.

Junior Lifeguard Preparation Class – The 2010 Junior Lifeguard Program is just around the corner.  Experienced instructors will help your child improve their swimming skills and teach them tricks to improve their time during the scheduled tryouts in May.  This preparation class begins on March 8 and will be held twice a week on either Monday and Wednesday, or Tuesday and Thursday for $205. Additionally, your child may attend all four days for $355.  Classes are conducted at the Marina High School Pool on Springdale and Edinger from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.  Please log onto for registration information.

Upcoming HB Reads Author Event- Huntington Beach Reads One Book brings the authors of “They Poured Fire on Us From the Sky” to Huntington Beach on Thursday, March 11, 2010. Sudanese refugees now living in Southern California, the authors’ compelling story and their gentle, positive spirit is a moving experience.  After fleeing their villages in southern Sudan, Benson Deng, Alephonsion Deng and Benjamin Ajak—all under the age of seven—survived on their own for five years before reaching a northern Kenya refugee camp.  They became known to the world as the “Lost Boys of Sudan.”

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